Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Elbow Room - Gives up her secrets

During the recent renovations, we’ve learned that we are not the only ones who have missed her. Almost every day during the renovations someone stopped by, took a seat at a non-open bar to reminisce about their memories. We heard about first legal beers, how spouses were met, performers who played there, and, of course, about Buckshot the bartending dog. (More about Buckshot and his best friend John later.)

As we renovated, the Elbow Room gave up some of her secrets. When paneling that was installed in the late 60s was removed, we were amazed to find artwork. Behind this paneling layered with paint, we uncovered two large silkscreen-on-canvas panels attached to the original walls. These art panels have been concealed for more than 60 years. We are currently cleaning and conserving these hidden treasures and feel that they are a perfect match for the new atmosphere of a safe, smoke-free hometown pub (aka, beer joint) where everyone really does know your name.

The Bow giving up her secrets
Coming clean. Slow meticulous process to remove a half century of nicotine.


  1. It's amazing how vibrant the colors are. I didn't expect this result.

  2. It still needs a bit of repair to fix the damage done by nailing boards and hanging paneling over it. But, it really coming along nicely.

  3. I would be willing to bet that there are several still undiscovered secrets hiding in the Bow.

    1. I'm sure there are many secrets left. I haven't made it into the attic yet. There is a tiny little crawl-through hole in the ceiling of the storage room. I haven't ventured up there yet.
