Monday, April 21, 2014

If you're buying, we are selling

Recently, the Mississippi legislature  passed the Freedom of Religion bill. It was immediately signed into law by the Governor. On the surface, this bill sounds like a protection of the rights intended by our forefathers and the constitution that governs us.

But, don't let the name of the bill fool you. At its core, it's a bill that legalizes discrimination. A business can refuse service to anyone who they believe lives differently from them. 

I'm here to say that the Elbow Room does not discriminate, and we fully support the "If you're buying, we're selling" campaign. 

Even if you are not buying, you're welcome at the Elbow Room. If you just want to come in, sit, enjoy the music in a place where everyone really does know your name, the Elbow Room welcomes you.

The Elbow Room was one of the first to stand with "If your're buying, we're selling." Thanks to the Jackson Clarion Ledger for their coverage and their nod to the Elbow Room.